Since my last post, life has changed quite a bit. And not just my life.
Obviously, the whole world is vastly different now thanks to COVID-19. I've been lucky enough to not count any of my loved ones among the 138,000 deaths currently tracked in the US, but that figure, and the countless lives affected around the world, still weighs heavily on me. It also serves as a dark backdrop for the otherwise positive things I have accomplished over these past months.
But, even with death and pain, life keeps grinding along. I am grateful beyond belief that I have had the chance to be productive and experience big, positive life changes despite the virus.
I made my first major decision of this season way back in April. I purchased the National Academy of Sports Medicine's CPT and Group Fitness Certifications. I have been passionate about working out and fitness since I ran track and cross country in high school, and I wanted to learn more about human physiology and fitness. I also hope to use these certifications to train at local gyms when I'm not in school or working my 9-5 job after graduation. Over the past months, I have worked on the courses as much as possible. Along the way, though, several other events have competed for my attention.
In late April, I applied to Trader Joe's. After interviewing, I was offered a position. This was an amazing opportunity because I had wanted to work to save for post-graduation this fall, but I didn't want to risk transmitting the coronavirus to my parents who also work. Trader Joe's, with all of the company's safety procedures surrounding the virus, was probably the only place I would feel truly comfortable working at that time.
This job took up most of my time in the following months. Luckily, my coworkers were amazing and I loved the job, so it didn't feel so much like work.
I still work at TJ's, but, due to some other news, I will be moving locations. That brings me to the next ground-shaking item on the agenda: I'm moving to Long Island! I've been with my current boyfriend since getting back from abroad, and his family invited me into their home which is near my college (in Queens) for the upcoming semester!
So, I'll be moving up there for "good" in August, and starting at one of the Long Island Trader Joe's stores. I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity and excited for the future!